Yoann is a Front-end Developer with full-stack experience. Yoann likes to build reactive, lightweight, and accessible interfaces. He spends most of his free time adding to his technical knowledge and will always find the best tools and methodologies to make your project successful.
April 2022Yoann and Hugo discovered Remotion, a tool that allows to create an automatic video coded with React that will be posted every week on the Start UI twitter account with data and news for the users.
March 2022Ivan and Yoann are implementing tRPC on Start Repo, a BearStudio product. The objective is to implement a typing on the web services, which allows to define a contract between the API and the front-end.
February 2022Florian and Yoann are testing the simplicity of the deployment of Start UI [web] on several known providers, then experimenting with the integration with the CI/CD tools of GitHub and GitLab.
January 2022Ivan and Yoann accompany the viewers to do some monitoring and develop an idea box in React, Next.JS and Prisma. They then resume the React development of the Figma plugin started in the previous stream.
January 2022Yoann supports the viewers for JavaScript and React monitoring and starts the development of a React plugin for Figma allowing to quickly extract colours and integrate them to Start UI and Chakra UI.
December 2021Yoann starts by doing monitoring on JavaScript and React and then develops a Twitch message management application for Codeurs en Seine, an association of developers co-founded by BearStudio that organizes conferences.
August 2021Yoann and Tic discuss The Mist event of the JoyStick association, an e-sport association created by Tic. They then go on to monitoring and coding with Next.JS and Storyblok.
July 2021Stream presented by Yoann in which Ivan coaches Hugo on how to create a website with Next.JS and Tailwind CSS in its pro-Tailwind UI version.
June 2021Inauguration of the BearStudio Twitch channel, discussion about upcoming BS stream projects, answering all viewers' questions, presentation of open source projects and analysis of viewers' digital projects.